Walking with Strangers
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ooO getting her riled!

Anu looked away at the words the other spoke, not wanting her to see the annoyance that flashed over her eyes. She hoped to hide it from her face, keeping it tense but Anu knew better then to think she could keep all the emotion from being visible. It had always been too hard a task, and even with years of practice she had yet to master it. Had Anu walked right into the hypothetical questions? Had she been asking for the criticism? Of course she wouldn't know for sure, but all she could do was battle and fight for the pride of her pack. Maybe this one was a loner because she had no loyalty.

We try our best. It was all she was whiling to say, knowing that there was no use arguing with her. Anu knew what wolves like Sabeen were after. They wanted to bully another until they had made their point and showed that their ideal was superior. Anu held back the fight she was ready to engage in, keeping it in as she listened to Sabeen speak of the pack worm. Sharp eyes looked back at her, wondering silently what she knew about the situation surrounding the husky. He holds our lowest rank. Anu paused, letting the truth sink into the stranger's head. I trust he knows he's on thin ice. As he was. They might be founded on love and peace, but they practiced discipline as well.

Letting her tongue slip a few more thoughts Anu spoke with a harder tone, For someone who has been judge so cruelly in the past, you do alot of judging yourself.


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