they whisper words into my ears.

She'd met a lot of wolves in her life that she hadn't liked, but she didn't count Shakadyn amongst them. So far things weren't going too badly between them...for wolves that had just met. She had known Ahren for only a short while when she'd realized that they weren't going to get along. But, though he was peculiar, she had no reason to dislike Shakadyn. Yet.

"I'm glad. I haven't spoken with a wolf for a's much preferred to the usual small woodland creatures. And it's nice to meet you, Lysander." What he said next puzzled her. How had he known about Chimera? It had been a while since she had lived there, more than a year. But then...she did go back to the lands quite often. She'd just gone back there to visit her father's grave, only a few days before. "It was dissolved. I believe that Physe, my dad--he tried to join his pack with another one, Syemv...but it didn't work out. They were attacked by coyotes. I was too young to really understand, I suppose, or I would have been with him fighting. He died a few months ago...he was pretty old. He had a really bad disease."

Most people didn't ask her about her past. She hadn't spoken about it in such a long time. "I was living in Clouded Tears at the time, though, with Iskata. She took me in after I suffered a bad blow to the head. I had lost some of my memory, and could barely even remember my name...and since then, Clouded Tears has been my home." She was doing a lot of talking. Naniko wasn't sure if he would answer or not, but she would try. She was interested in learning where a wolf such as 'Lysander' had come from. "What about you? You don't smell of any pack. Did you grow up here in Bleeding Souls, or somewhere else, Lysander?" The city was getting closer and closer, the black towers looming overhead.

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