the canals of our city
ooc: I'm sorry this took so long. :\ I've been super sick lately.

A mildly childish voice called out for her from behind, and Poe’s head followed the twist of her ears to consider the figure that had appeared on the shore while she had been sounding out the music in her head. A little white adolescent, pure white and therefore relatively ordinary, besides the smear of familiarity that Poe found amongst her features. Without a thought for manners, the older D’Angelo considered the ivory girl with a quirked ear and raised brows. She looked afraid of the ice (as she rightfully should be) and blatantly curious, two qualities that skewed her relations off course and left her pushing through the brush of her memory. “Uh,” she finally non-answered, glancing down at the line being tugged at by the current. “Fishing. Trying to be fishing I should say, seeing as I have yet to catch a fish today,” she explained while stepping off to one side, allowing the unidentified relation a view of her set-up, as well as an easier crane to her neck. “You can come check it out if you want. It’s great for all of those times that you blatantly refuse to hunt effectively.” A smile bloomed, mildly cynical but largely friendly, a teasing gesture to lure a moment’s company and a few more minutes to figure out who she reminded her of.


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