Yesterday seems so far away..
He knew that she could see right through him, hell anyone who met the male would be able to see through his simple little lie this day. He wanted to be alone and yet he wanted her to stay. He hadn't seen the woman in forever and finally she was here but only to see him at his lowest. While he'd been working so hard and helping everyone else he seemed to forget to take care of himself and now he had no clue how to pick up the shattered pieces and mold them all back together again. His eyes glanced back to the form of the woman once more as he caught the movement of her frame from the edge of his vision. When she sat down just close enough he seemed to relax slightly, atleast he didn't have to worry about the lovely raven warrior escaping once more, even though part of his still wished she had.

The steady rows of ripples that set across the pool were like the echos of the call of a packmate howling to the moon, a constant shell of what was, a reaction to the initial action, and yet in the end nothing at all. Then her soft sweet voice hit his ears as she commented about the creations in the water. He drew his paw back from the water and watched the last of the bands die off in moments as he sighed. "It's never insignificant to the victims.." he said as he let his paw drop back down into the water as he chewed on his lip, not wanting to met her eyes again as instead he stared at his own face in the water. His voice was bitter as he advised, "It's not as strange as one would want to believe.."

He lifted his frame up from the side of the water and glanced away towhere his den was located for a moment as he remarked. "One's efforts can seem so small in the light of everything.." and he felt like a little ant lost in the forest anymore with the feelings and emotions that had been let run rampant in his soul.

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