My puddle of shit
If it was anyone else the male would have had a hard time losing his temper but he'd grown so use to Ade's strange behavior and her need for pity that sometimes he was lead to believe that all she needed was a firm nip on an ear or a chomp on a shoulder. She just let herself sink into nothing and didn't care what happened when she knew that their were others who did care for her. He didn't know if she lived to see the pain and suffering she brought into others but more often than not her selfish deeds did just that. He didn't have the heart though to bury her nose in her faults and let her mull over the consequences alone.

Instead he just sighed when she spoke up about their sister and what she wanted. He shook his head and asked. "How do you know what Alexey wants. Have you bothered to ask her without trying to fight. You're being selfish Ade. Your making this all about you when it's much bigger than that!" He had felt the irritation building up inside him but he hadn't expected to go on some rant to his poor sister. He knew she was in a delicate state and yet he'd spent the past few moons listening to everyone's mistakes and faults and not one person bothered to ask him what was on his mind. He didn't mind his role in the pack.. but sometimes the therapist needed their own therapist.. and Ade was beginning to remind him of that.

..and yet she continued on, demanding to know where he'd been and what had kept him away from her. He stood firm as his normally cheery voice took on a harder edge as he spoke frankly. "I've been doing my duties to my pack and friends. I've been acting like life is worth living." He stared down at the hopeless shape of his sister as he shook his head in disgust. "Don't put the blame on me Ade, get off your ass and stop feeling sorry for yourself." He watched her quietly for a moment before commenting. "I won't watch you kill yourself, but I won't give you sympathy for a cause that you brought upon yourself." His voice was firm as he spoke, though he wasn't sure if he could hold, he knew Ade knew very well how to play into his weaknesses.

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