http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb18 ... kull-1.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

He thought for a moment, digesting her words. He certainly understood about her comment on the quiet thing. He'd grown up with two brothers, after all. But, that was a long time ago, or so it felt. He'd already done some exploring, but he'd not gone very far into the territory. He was more of a fringe explorer, testing boundaries, not depths, whther they be the boundaries of a land, or of his own strength or intellect. He was big into challenging himself, though, and getting to better know the territory, going on an adventure, even one so close to his new home, could prove to be interesting.

As the breeze ruffled his fur he turned his gaze to the sky. The clouds seemed to be darkening a bit. Fine for him, he who would hve been better off being born a fish, but he knew that others could be unfond of torrential downpours. Stretching out his left hind leg, the longer one, he groaned slightly. At least it wasn't cold, or he wouldn't be able to unbend his knees at all, the way they had decided to start hurting at that moment. "Who tendedyour injuries?" he inquired, as he watched how she held herself. She was recovering well from whatever ordeal it had been. Secretly though, he thought to himself that he probably could have done better. (Tending her wounds, that is.)


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