streets are uneven when you're down

And for once in his life, Vukasin had no idea what to say. Alcohol forgotten, he gropped around for words. He found none. "Oiy..." What do you say to that? How do you respond? He couldn't think of how to react, much less how he would react if it were his story. Well, that wasn't entirely true. He'd probably go searching for his brother while wishing his fther wasn't already dead, so tha he could kill him himself. But, his father wasn't a rapist, and he was dead, and Vuk had no idea where his brother was.

After a few minutes of tapping his yellow/green heel against the bar, Vukasin managed to find his tounge again, allowing him to once more employ his voice. "How'd you find out?" Maybe it was dumb thing to ask. What did it matter how the kid found out? It's not like that was important. What wa simportant was that the kid was throwing away his life because he was afraid that he had more than his father's DNA inside of him, that he was capable of the same evil that graced his father's heart.


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