Loneliness be over
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Just as every touch her made upon her body invoked a thrilling yet subtle response, so did it seem that her touch provoked a reaction upon him. As the black fae held the coyote in that soft kiss, they were like a lightning storm held high above in the clouds, both dangerous and exhilarating. Here she was safe—not within the cave but within his arms. And suddenly she felt as if anything were possible within those arms that were able to strike killing blows and yet able to touch her, to hold her, so gently that she was able to move in close. His hand held her face while the other moved along her back, and she did not even here the sound of his clothes falling to the stone for the pounding of her heart rushing in her ears. She knew only that it was not there, that she could feel freely the heat and strength of his body, so close and yet too far. She wanted to know of the darkness of his heart, so black and yet so clean, an enigmatic entity that entranced her, intrigued her. He was like the wing of a raven, powerful and velveteen, guiding souls to the other world. And yet she saw only the hint of that wing—she wanted to know more. She wanted to know him fully.

As he held her there against him, his hand running along her back, along the old and new scars that marred her soft skin, she pressed her body urgently against his, her hips brushing against his loins in an almost instinctual manner. As his hand fell against her hip, lingering there, the desire that flickered within her seemed to explode. She felt it first within her loins, but it spread like that previous fire through her body, seeking to overcome both her mind and the mind of the male in whose arms she now locked herself. She thought that there may have been the same urgency within him, the same desire, and yet there they stood, lingering upon the threshold of separation and unification.

He lingered there upon her hip, and a slower part of her mind, one that was not yet infected by that desire and love, realized the male’s uncertainty. With a soft sigh, she broke that kiss and yet did not pull her body away. The white orbs lifted tentatively to gaze upon him, and where she may have been too shy to continue, the urgency of her body telling her to become one with the male she loved pushed such hesitancy aside. With her hands still about his neck, she slowly pulled him down with her, content lying upon the stone. It was cool upon her back as she lay herself down, her hands releasing him. The softer hand lay atop that of the male’s, guiding it down her side, past her hips. As she allowed his hand to come upon her thigh, she lifted her legs, wrapping them gently and comfortably about his hips. Releasing that hand, she brought her arms once more about his neck, those white orbs looking up at him.


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