Loneliness be over
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For the first time in his life he wanted someone to know him, to know all about him, every inch. Onus was a solitary and secretive man, but with her, he wanted to open up. Only she would know him so well, she had already shown her capacity to understand him. That was one of the things that had drawn him to her from the very first. She could understand his mission, why he lived the way he did. Yet she also had seen the lonely child that had wanted love and been denied it. A part of him he had thought long since dead. She had the power to invoke that from him. All that was channeled into his love for her. He wanted to give her everything he could and was able to give.

When her hips brushed against his loins he felt a stirring down there and it almost made him shudder. The heat that had overtaken his body seemed to concentrate there and he could feel pressure begin to build in that area. All these feelings and sensations were new to him and he almost felt overloaded. It took all his concentration to stay focused on what was happening. When she broke the kiss he leaned forward to touch them again, but she pulled him down with her to the floor of the cave. He saw the desire burning in her ivory orbs and knew that his held a similar light. The hand that had been on her face held him above her as he let her hand lead him where she wanted. That combined with her legs wrapping around his hips made the heat in his loins grow.

A soft smile molded his face as he leaned back down to kiss her, his hand lightly tracing the thigh it had been placed on. His mouth opened and tongue moved to explore her mouth. Tentatively his hand moved to hover over her mound and he could feel the heat coming from her. Gently he pressed his hand against her, a single finger began to caress her wet lips.


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