miracles will happen as we dream;
Geneva shook her head quickly in answer, wrinkling her nose. It seemed whenever she tripped down memory lane, those she was talking to would jump to conclusions about her health. She thought them kind for that. She had come across so many amazing creatures who were concerned with a virtual stranger. It warmed her heart to know that Honore was such a creature, though she already felt the beginnings of a connection to the ivory hued male. He seemed soulful, kind and vibrant. She found herself instantly attracted to those qualities, already felt herself gravitating toward a similar soul. She didn't even feel any discomfort at answering his questions anymore, simply deciding to enjoy her time with him

"Thankfully, my health is much better than it used to be," she said. Some days she felt as though she could climb mountains, with her heart swelling inside her ten times its size. In recent months she had felt uplifted, despite undercurrents of confusion that plagued many of her thoughts in quiet moments. She had grown used to moving outside of the shadows, not trying to blend into the background. She felt as though she had taken control of her own life, shed a skin that had held her back from knowing her true self. She was still shy, soft-spoken, and non-confrontational, but she no longer shrank away from her own shadow.

Geneva thought for a moment on the answer to Honore's last question, and found herself smiling ruefully. "My own feelings confuse me," she confided in the ivory male. "I find that I cannot see the reason behind emotion, however rational or irrational. The girl laughed a bit, shaking her head slowly. "It is foolish, but I find that I am the most cautious of my own heart."

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