i heard your voice through a photograph
She had been sitting amongst the boulders that seemed to threaten to overtake the beach. She'd been there for almost an hour watching the tide beat against the rocks and attempt to drag them into the ocean only to fall away and repeat. She had known that the time at hand was getting close and she'd ventured to the edge of the pack's territory to think and to be alone. She'd observed the scarred beast that was suppose to be their father and yet she didn't know what to think anymore. The monster she remembered didn't seem to exist inside the packlands, only a steady leader who could be gruff and grumpy at times. She closed her eyes and lowered her head, her arms resting on her knees as she wondered what was going to happen at that moment when the confrontation rang out.

She'd been sitting there for a while when the breeze brought the sound of her sibling as she sighed and lifted her head. If it was going to happen it was now. She rose from the rocky perch she'd been taking and stretched out her limbs, delaying as usual as she traced her path out of the broken coast and moved to join her two brothers. Her eyes scanned over to Gael as she spoke softly. "I said I'd be here and I am." She wasn't sure how she felt about their plans but she had given them the information to get to the lands and she had said she'd meet them at the border. She'd upheld her part, now it came down to Maluki showing up.

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