Oh please, God, wake me!
OOC: It's all good =p


Skoll tilted his head. Somehow it had escaped him that Pilot in werewolf form was an oddity. He had only met him once or twice, and those times had been on four legs, he had never wondered whether the boy was a shifter or not. Not that he could call him a boy any more, though he had a bad habit of saying that to those under three years of age. Still, hearing that Pilot had a mate was good news indeed. Eating meat was important, and a crucial step in the path to becoming a wolf no doubt, but taking a mate was a crucial step in becoming a man. One that he, sadly, had never succeeded in. Several females had expressed interest in small ways, one had even been his lover for a few weeks, but the relationships never lasted long enough to become anything more. His nomadic lifestyle, as well as the brutality of his work, was ever a deterrent to the fairer sex. In the case of Galdra, it had been far more tragic.

"Congratulations, Pilot. I don't remember Dierdre, but I'm sure she is an admirable wolfess for you to have taken her as your mate. I have spoken with Phoenix, so I know some of the goings on of late. So...catching up aside, what are you up to at this time of night, wandering around in this place?" It was a fair question, he felt. Many wolves wandered outside the packlands when they wanted to be alone. Skoll used to as well, though he had plenty of solitude at his post usually...when people always know where to find you if they need something, though, one must go elsewhere to guarantee some time to one's self.

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