i heard your voice through a photograph

It had been some time since he walked beside his brother. For reasons unknown they had been separated for months. Heath didn’t understand where the other male had gone off to, while he wandered lands to find the wolf they searched for. Of course their sister was the one to find him, with the least effort and with a casual grace she always possessed. He had worked so hard, and still she gotten all the glory. Her words still filled his mind, revealing the secret of his location. Heath kept silent beside his brother, dwelling on the knowledge and on the future confrontation that was certainly inevitable.

He didn’t answer the male as he spoke, waiting and knowing that she would appear. She did, her voice soft and gentle, maybe hoping to sooth that large beast beside him. No one looked to calm the silent rouge, who boiled and bubble within himself. He wanted to see him, wanted to know his voice and if he could… taste his blood. The male was beyond words, and as always it hadn’t taken his long to get there. Gold eyes watched the horizon, waiting with uncharacteristic patience. Standing ready to see the face of the male who had destroyed their world.


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