these words i behold no tongue

That was so strange with what happened with that other post. oO; The post appeared to be fine in Safari and Firefox, but when I switched to IE, that was when I seen what you were talking about with the sentence cut-off. I decided that it's probably best to just ditch that certain table entirely, just so there's nothing else to be chopped out anywhere. O_x Word Count: 511

          Ears thrust forward, perked at their highest attention, Catalyst took a profound interest in these little insignificant things that were tadpoles, although from what Cwmfen stated as she was in the throes of explaining the growth process of these creatures, they really did seem to hold somewhat of a significance to them after all. Still, the method of how they started out in this stage, however, baffled her small mind. "Meta... morph'isis?" She looked up, trying to sound out the word. Just from how she heard it and then repeated it, it was much more of a foreign English word than the everyday speech spoken among the adults. Apparently this was how butterflies were too. Questionable, she then looked up to Cwmfen, an instant source of everything wise and all knowing. "Did... did we... start out like this too?" She was referring to the state of which these tadpoles had tails, and were round. She could only remember the earliest point in which she was a small, small puppy like she was now, but was there anything significant even before that for her, for everyone else? Catalyst had not yet fully understood the process of reproduction among their kind, and with an interested intense gleam, would hope that Cwmfen would be able to satisfy that spectrum of curiosity, granted that she did, or if she would declare that Catalyst was simply too young yet to venture in that span of thought.

          Indeed, the strangely marked Cwmfen told her that she did catch sight of Palindrome at once point, but it was earlier before. Although her alto voice held true promise of protection of her brother, Catalyst couldn't help but draw a squeaky little sigh from her muzzle. "I know's... 'm jus'... missin' him..." After the separation of their mother, to lose one sibling would probably have a greater impact than expected upon Catalyst, even though she herself didn't realize that yet. But, there was belief though that this Cwmfen spoke words of the truth, and Catalyst would put her hope into Cwmfen's paws and hands.

          The more the two began to conversate among one another, the more Catalyst began to grow comfortable to her. Expressing gratitude for their meet, Catalyst grinned up at her, with a sloppy puppy grin on her wet muzzle, forgetting about her presence settled in the bank altogether. "'S nice t' meet you's too, miss. Wha'... wha' is all that... on you?" Her muzzle motioned to the intricate patterns that criss-crossed and swirled along the plain of her figure, perhaps a topic that was most frequently asked by those questionable about the origins of Cwmfen. Speaking of knowing Cercelee, her ears perked up, and a happy gleam flashed through her eyes. Stating that she would be one of the best guardians to have, Catalyst certainly believed it, as Cercelee had been nothing but spoiling and grateful of the pups so far. "I love Miss Cehr'celee'h. Even more than my mommy..." Mommy, to her that was a distant memory becoming more and more forgotten as time progressed forth.


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