i heard your voice through a photograph
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... ltable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Miriette was quick and prompt, as Gaël might have expected out of her, but it was obvious that she was on edge as the rest. The yearling was somewhat surprised their father was not already present--surely Miriette had something in mind, but didn't plan on taking her brothers romping through a stranger's packlands where they could get attacked or sent away. Gaël might have been anxious to find the man that ruined their lives, but he wasn't about to let his sister but he or Heath in deliberate danger. He was, after all, the oldest brother. He had a responsibility and an image to maintain.

Heath's silence as they arrived was discomforting; Gaël had expected him to be too energetic to keep still or silence himself, but the eldest was wrong. The look in his brother's eyes was frightening, yet hardly foreign: it was the same look he always adopted when their father came up in conversation. Yet Heath's eyes suddenly shot to alertness and Gaël followed his line of sight: it led straight to what he might have expected. From a short distance, they saw him. Their father... as scarred and horrifying as his nightmares remembered, staring back at them with the most distrusting look. He didn't recognize them--but Gaël recognized him. The piercing green eye was the same as when he had looked over their dead mother so grimly and then calmly walked away from them forever. Maluki moved closer. Gaël froze, turquoise eyes blaring, and felt a fury within silently bubbling and broiling like nothing else. He did not speak when they were questioned. He stared, furiously wide-eyed, and felt the rage tremor within. Gaël was terrified and bloodthirsty all at once: and as Maluki approached, was rendered defenseless and could not act on either.


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