even Judas knew he had lied
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His answer wasn’t as detailed as she’d hoped it would be. It, however, was enough to fuel Lillith’s imagination. She envisioned the Lake of Fire; a place where Sinners were meant to go after the Final Judgment; a prison for the dead, the ultimate punishment. And in the middle of it all, she saw him amongst liars, murderers and whoremongers. Unlike them though, his body wasn’t being consumed by brimstone and flames. He was reigning over a new empire, like the king he truly was. They would meet again in another life, she knew that much; part of that throne was rightfully hers.

Just thinking about it sent shivers up her spine. Ahren de le Poer had been hers since the beginning of time. She wanted him even more now; even in death. Had they buried him? The man deserved his very own sepulcher, at the very least. Her lips spread into a graceless smirk as her attention returned to the man standing before her. Blue-green orbs were locked onto the charm around his neck; there was a longing in her eyes. “You remind me of him. What’s your name?” She knew by now that he was, in fact, Ahren's successor.

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