What could a little curiosity hurt?
Apologies for the wait. I'm a busy person these days. 300+

The beast grumbled darkly under his breath as he clumsily made his way towards the abandoned yet packet workshop. Sealed moving boxes that had yet to reveal their secrets along with a sea of trash attempted to block his path, but he climbed over it or simply grabbed hold of random obstacles and threw them aside. The corner of the man’s right eye caught movement, and he turned his face just in time to see a pair of naked tails whip out of sight. It was no random guess when he came to the conclusion that he had a society of rats nesting down here in the rotten cellar. Things had changed since he had arrived at Dahlia de Mai. Some things for the better, and some for the worse. When Colibri Soul had lived here, the place had been clean. The Lilium had taken good care of his home the first half year that he had lived here, but he had become lazy, and it was starting to show.

An ear moved briskly to register the knocking upstairs. Had he not made it clear that the member could enter when he was done in the barn? A touch of mild aggravation caressed his chest. He gave a sharp bark, and it almost sounded like a command that the other was to get down here so that they could finish this. The headache pulsated soothingly in the background, suggesting that they should make this quick. The Dahlian man turned to gaze up towards the scarce light source granted by the cellar door that patiently stood ajar, intense blue orbs almost glowing in the dark. Haku decided not to wait for the man, and continued making his way through the mess to the workshop. His night vision was brilliant, and he could recognize several rows of tools that obviously had been useful for something. The brown man did not bother pondering what they were used for. Henratha could pick and choose whatever he wanted, and then he was to leave.


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