What could a little curiosity hurt?
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
ooc: No worries. I too have been busy ^_^. Word Count: 412

White tufted ears flattened timidly at the Lilium's commanding bark. Perhaps Rath should have simply gone inside instead of announcing his presence in such a way. The chocolate male did not sound as though he appreciated being asked for permission about every little thing. Now at least, Rath was gaining an understanding of what not to do around the dominant male. The nervous male did his best to immediately memorize these details as he strolled into the house, leaving the door open behind him. He made his way to the basement staircase and heard Haku moving around below. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves the shaggy werewolf climbed down the stairs, his new axe clutched tightly in his left hand. Upon reaching the basement Rath's gooseberry green gaze immediately locked onto the workshop that the secui was forging his way towards. He strode forward until he was a few paces behind the male, to get a better look of what lay before him. There were several finely conditioned tools lining the walls. What caught Rath's eye first was an old level, which still seemed to be in useable condition, hanging on a hook above the workbench. That would be quite useful to him in constructing Colibri's greenhouse. It would completely eliminate the guess work when leveling the walls for the roof.

Taking another step closer, Rath finally forced himself to speak. "That is quite a fine tool set that you have down here," his tenor voice cracked slightly, showing that his timid nerves had not quite calmed themselves entirely. Still, his voice held confidence, something which might prove important in keeping what little respect he had gained in Haku's eyes. The white flecked brute adjusted the ponytail on the back of his head, in an attempt to busy himself for a moment. Then he returned his gaze to the chocolate hued secui in front of him. Would the intimidating male offer to give him these tools as he had the axe? As he wondered about this, he glanced down at the axe in his hand. That would be wonderful to finally have enough tools to start doing some work. He could see there was enough her for him to start building the large windows for the greenhouse, although it was clear that he would still have to find some of the more specific woodworking tools like chisels and saws. Most of these tools seemed dedicated to home maintenance, not construction.


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