i heard your voice through a photograph
She had known that Maluki would appear, she'd watched the male from a distance time after time, day after day as he'd done the patrol, almost every time he'd come upon the edge where they'd been standing about this time of day. Granted, DaVinci seemed to patrol every once in a while in place of the Patriarch but she had been willing to bet that the man they were looking for would be the first form to stumble upon them. Her eyes trailed over the forms of her two siblings as they stood there restlessly waiting. She hadn't given them any reasoning why she'd chosen the spot to meet them and she didn't feel she would need to. Settling in beside the two she turned her gaze away towards the break where she'd always spied the Patriarch's figure right before he appeared along the stretch of the beach.

Like clockwork the flash of the monster's pelt was caught just before he moved into the open and moved along the same line he patrolled. There was a path carved into the lands after the constant treading the leaders and border patrol had made to cross the lands. Her tail lashed nervously against Heath's side as she held her breath. Now was the moment where there was no turning back and she caught the eyes of the leader as he moved to confront the trio at the lands end.

Miriette could excuse him not realizing who she was alone on the borders but the words he threw at them made her misty grey eyes flash as she raised her chin proudly to meet his fierce gaze. There was silence from her siblings, something she hadn't expected. She'd assumed that Gael would have been the first to speak but instead his rage seemed to boil inside him, some personal battle being fought as she took the lead instead.

"Maluki, you do not.. recognize? No?" she asked, her words taunting, as she often used upon Heath when she wanted to get him in a fit just for amusement. This was not amusing, perhaps warped, but not amusing. "Ow astonishing.." She lowered her gaze, a soft bitterness feeling her words. "Must be.. blessing.. to..to forget." She was silent a moment before she let the last words linger. "but.. we remembers."

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