i heard your voice through a photograph

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... athban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

He was uneasy, just standing and waiting. It wasn’t his style. Heath walked in, took a tour and then answered questions. He wasn’t afraid of the fight that might ensue, he wanted it. Following his brother’s lead meant that he stood at his side on the boarder, though he itched to move forward. The frustration began to build and with it that unstable anger that he was all too familiar with. The situation was a breeding ground for his rage, multiplying as the second ticked. Waiting for it to be set off.

Maluki's entrance wouldn’t be forgotten in the thin male’s mind. A memory that would forever be engraved in his brain, settled just beside the very bloody first meeting they had. Gold eyes stared at the battered and scared beast, green eye peering at them. His voice was heavy and rough, but held none of the insanity that Heath had expected and prepared for. Eyes went to Gael, before falling back to the male that had sired the three. Back furred paw shifted uneasily, as he wondered when the fighting would begin.

Miri spoke as the silence surrounded them, mocking him as if he was nothing more then another one of their siblings. The small male looked to her with the same annoyance that he felt when her efforts were directed toward him. Inhaling sharply Heath felt his stature rise, eyes watching him with ferocious intensity. Waiting for the moment he broke his stance, waiting for the moment when he made his first mistake. Bringing his voice into the game Heath spoke. Its tragic when a father doesn’t recognize his own spawn. A snarl filled each pause, and Heath took a threatening step forward. The ridge of hair along his back stood on end, showing that he was not scared, but ready.

table by erin


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