You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
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Kansas had no clue what he was getting himself into. In the recesses of his mind drifted the possible consquences of his choice to give in to the male's taunting. Crimson Dreams might be angry with him. Savina would be disappointed. And he could get hurt. He didn't know what lay inside this man; if he fought to assert or if he fought to kill. But his instantaneaous hatred and his adrenaline clouded his reason, and before long he had let them overtake him.

He felt the crack of his knuckles against bone and a new, immediate thrill spiraled from his head down to his toes. He hadn't missed. What was more, that sound of bone against bone meant he must have caused some damage, right? What little pride the Sadira boy had swelled to perhaps the level of a normal individual, and he felt himself smiling. But he was again not paying attention to where he should have. As he pitched forward from the force of his own blow, he barely noticed the clenched fist of the lean male rocketing toward him from below, pr the hand on his shoulder. He felt the punch in his lower ribs, and yelped before he could control it.

His hands gripped his torso, pain enveloping him. Kansas squeezed his eyes shut, holding out a hand as an attempt to stop any subsequent blows; but the truth was, he was completely vulnerable in that instant.


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