Yesterday seems so far away..


The woman was silent. Perhaps she was too blind, especially in such a topic, but she had made an effort to understand these things. And the woman had never been in such an argument with a pack member. Indeed, Firefly and Svara both had created quite the uproar with the juvenile tempers, but it had never been anything like it was now, here with Sankor. The woman really didn’t know what was to be done, and it was not as if she could just attack him. He could not really attack her either. An attack, she had understood, would be quite unwise. And yet what did wolves do when they argued? Because she did not know, the woman was silent, merely rising to be seated as she turned to look at his back-turned form. Yes, perhaps she was blind. She was looking now and could not understand.

And then the mahogany male laughed and sneered at her. The woad bound ears pressed forward in an aggressive manner, but she did not take up the snarl that would normally accompany such a thing. The white orbs hardened. "Perfection is an unattainable state," the harsh melody replied quietly. "And we both know that I am far from perfection." Did he not remember how she had shared with him the story of her past? She had shared that story with so little, she wondered if Cercelee even knew. And now that past had caught up with her as she ultimately knew it would; somehow, she knew that here as well one could never run from the past. And yet she had run, a thing quite unlike the warrior she had become. Fear marred her, just as the scars of failure marred her body.

She could have left, but the woad warrior remained. She did not know quite why she did. Perhaps it was because once long ago and many times since, she too had been lost, plagued by an uncontainable anger that sought more than mere words, than mere thought. "And you think this would change one’s life?" Uniqueness changed nothing, it was the individual, the character. But her voice had been quiet, and he had already begun to walk away. The white orbs followed his form, challenging him to do as he said, to ‘get it all out’. But the woman did not rise to follow him, and there was that quiet irritation that stilled her. Silently, she looked into the pool, seeking something that the pool could not give.


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