even Judas knew he had lied
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... Part12.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
     She recognized the symbol. She knew what it meant in a way that Gabriel did not. His eyes narrowed slightly, but he remained still. Through her eyes he saw fire, and he saw madness. The woman was exactly the same as his father; or, at least, his father as he had last known him. “Gabriel. Gabriel de le Poer,” he replied. It perturbed him, in some way, to know that there were things about his father he had not understood and never expected to see.
     “Who are you?” the Aquila asked, and found that the tone in his voice was…wrong. He sounded as if he was speaking to a phantom, something he did not understand. Perhaps it was appropriate, but it felt out of place coming from his lips.


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