runaway on a leash

And the sun will set for you

Perhaps Beppe's fur was not as thick as the other's; the cold had already soaked through his fur and he hadn't even taken a spill. Or, perhaps, the younger wolf was just more used to the climate. Either way, it made Beppe doubt his ability to stay comfortable when the colder months came. The boy would deal with that when it was an actual issue though, and for now he pushed the idea to the back of his mind and tried to enjoy himself even though his toes were amassing a nice collection of ice clumps.

"Good," he replied gently, not really knowing how to reply to that statement but still pleased with it. As Icarus regarded him, the Italian boy noticed his striking blue eyes. This was unusual to him; he hadn't seen anything like it before. Interesting though, definitely. Beppe liked that there were so many things here that were strange to him. "Yes... and you also?" Beppe hadn't marked anyone else around, but perhaps they were sneaky. He took a quick glance first over Icarus' shoulder and then his own. The fog was not quite as thick as usual, and still he didn't see anyone. He let his own eyes rest on his acquaintance once more.


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