streets are uneven when you're down
Vuk thought for a moment. What a thing to find out... And what a way to find out about it. It was a common occurance it their species though, right? Before the virus, at least? He shook his head. It would've made him sick, too, to find out his father was a rapist. He'd've never eaten again.

He looked back up at the orange kid then, watching. Vuk, at least, had forgotten his drink. The kid seemed desperate, hopeless, scared. Scarred, more like. It'd probably haunt him for the rest of his life. It was the kind of thing that hid in the back of your skull, only coming out when you're the most vulnerable, and then hurting more than when you first felt it. But then, it would go away again. Such is the way of life.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

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