"Oh..." Since she seemed to be torn up about the DaVinci thing, he didn't say anything about the somewhat shoddy work. Oh, well. She was healing well, though, so it was okay. Thinking for a moment, he nodded. " I know what you mean. I'm too proud to let people help me, most of the time. I'm not even sure whether I'd let someone help me if I were dying," he joked humorlessly. It was true, though. His horse/mule/ass-headedness caused him internal complications fairly often.

Shivering a little as a drop of rain managed to soak through his caot to his skin, he laughed. "Some weather we're having, huh?" Chuckling, he lay down, letting his right forepaw dangle over the edge of the porch and into a shallow puddle. He loved water. It was so soothing. It never sounded angry, and it rarely hurt people. But, then, the same could be said for many inanimate things. Water was just the best. "Almost makes you want to go crazy, because there's nothing to do but watch the rain fall..."

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