Too Much Vermouth... [DND, please!]
As he finished realigning the skin, he pulled out another match and sterilized the needle again, just to make sure it was clean. Once again, he waited until he could feel the little flame touch his fingers before extinguishing it. With that said, he began right off. With careful, precise movements, he didn't tug any more than he had to. "How many stitches would you suggest, Doctor?" he jokingly asked, hopeing to distract her. It usually helped with the pain. Most creatures tended to go a little nuts at the sight of their own blood.

Working quickly, and making the stiches as small and as few as he could, he had three done in the time it took him to finish his sentence. Probably wouldn't need too many. Twenty at the very most, but probably more like ten or fifteen. Hontestly, he tended to go a little sparse when it came to using his thread, as it was difficult to get a hold of good quality medical thread those days. Such was the way when you were mooching off of what was left behind by the last sentient species.

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