when it rains
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... purple.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Ryan waited. Stared. Waited. Sighed. Waited. If he would just… understand! Finally, he seemed to give into the idea, stating it no longer as a question, but as a statement. "Sure," Ryan replied, not really interested in whether he found it disgusting or not. She had done what she needed to do, and that was that. He knew about Valkyrie now. It was over. She didn’t need him around to help raise her, she just wanted him to know.

Ryan stood up from the fallen tree trunk, squinting in disgust at the mist. "Now you know," she stated plainly to him, attempting to futilely wring some of the water from her hair. "If you ever want to see her, our den is by the shore." She dropped her fingers from the lock of hair, realizing her attempts wouldn’t help. She gave him a nod then, unsure of what else to do, before turning to stalk off. She didn’t really think there was anything else to tell him. And frankly, she didn’t feel like sitting there to have a casual conversation. That night with Hybrid had ruined everything she wanted. She didn’t want to have to see him any longer than she had to.


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