I was goin’ nowhere fast
Hope you don’t mind the itsy-bitsy pp. Shall we fade to black soon after she gets started, say they chatted and got to know each other better?

Phoenix spied the satchel carefully, tried to see if he could catch a glimpse of any tool that might be used for carving deigns onto flesh. Being that this was an impulse decision, he wanted to get it over with before he thought it over any more and came to his senses. As he waited he began to shift , mentally ordering his muscles to grow and his bones to realign so that when he was done he was balancing on his two hind feet, the ideal form to describe what he wanted.

”Mm, not quite,” he said taking the paper and pencil so he could draw it himself. The tools felt clumsy in his inexperienced hands. Drawing was more his son’s forte, seeing as how the elder Phoenix had only tried it once or twice before. Nevertheless, it was a simple enough shape to accomplish, and pretty soon he had Storm’s symbol down on paper. “This part’s bright yellow…” Phoenix said, pointing at the top with the pencil, “An’ this part’s a bit darker. I’d like it… ‘bout this size, mebbe a tiny bit smaller? Think you can do it?”

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