All these Buildings & Mountains...

i gotta be my own boss no matter what the cost

Mati relaxed she gave him the paint tube, the accident waiting to happen no longer in her hands. But as much as she no longer wanted the momentary responsibility, she couldn’t take her eyes off the male who held it. Shaking her head at his question Mati spoke softly, No, I just found this stuff. Pointing as she spoke Mati motioned to the pile of things that she had ransacked from the art supply store in the city. Purple eyes looked to his face, full of question. She could? Cautious fingers took the brush he held out to her and she looked back to his face, You would teach me? Mati had never thought she would be so lucky to find someone that could show her how to use all the supplies.

She suddenly grew excited, and a smile formed over her mouth. Looking at the dyed paws that had held the paint brush she grew curious. What do you paint? It was her biggest dilemma. She figured that in time she would learn to use the paints and brushes, but the idea of choosing a subject was far to enormous for the young girl to wrap her brain around.


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