i heard your voice through a photograph
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... ltable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

His siblings reacted as he might have expected them to, wasting no time to getting to the point. Gaël found it hardly tragic that their father no longer remembered them, let alone knew of their existence: he'd raped their mother and run off immediately, thus he would never have heard of her pregnancy or their birth. Gaël wasn't sure why he had returned that day when they were just a few months old, but the boy did know that their mother had feared the situation to repeat and attacked off reflex. Perhaps he'd known she would attack, perhaps not; Gaël didn't know how cunning this man could be or if he had simply lived off coincidences. Either way, he'd still killed their mother, and her dead, mangled body suddenly flashed before the boy's furious turquoise eyes.

Still finding no words to speak, the strong-silent elder brother took the time to inspect what was their mess of a father. Scars lined every inch of his body and the eye that Thomas had supposedly taken before crawling away to his death was still scarred and apparently useless, as the leader held it consistently shut. Old Tom had left quite the scar behind: it wiggled and waved in every which direction, as if Thomas had left some sort of signature in the beast's flesh. It served as a mighty symbol, a unique hashing that made Maluki instantly recognizable. Unfortunate, for when they killed him, someone would be able to identify the body.

Gaël still said nothing, lowering his head and correcting his stance to something more reserved, brooding; when the chance was right, we would still be prepared to attack. Still, turquoise eyes did not shift away, and his siblings did all the talking.


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