as tomorrow fades away
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ooc -
sorry for slow ):. 303 words.

ic -
Firefly. It was the word for those little glowy bugs that Champ would catch for her, sometimes. Weird, to name someone after a bug. Of course, it was sort of weird to be named after a city, but Tokyo had no conception whatsoever of the distant metropolis. If she found out, she would probably just expect it had been named after her, not the other way around. Firefly seemed momentarily upset by Tokyo's words, but considering both the topic and the bitterness in her voice, it was probably at the leaders of the pack, not the wolf before her now.

Tokyo shook her head. "If it's because of them that you're upset, and they wouldn't let you stay because of it, the fault is still with them." It was the sort of clever twisting of blame that the female was really good at it. It was an acquired skill, being able to perpetually avoid responsibility for any of her actions that turned out poorly. And of course, being able to take credit for anything good that occurred around her.

Her ice blue eyes drifted to follow the kicked piece of driftwood. The water against her feet was slightly less cold, now, she was getting used to it. A breeze picked up, and a seagull caw-ed, dipping into the nearby shallows to grab a shining silver fish. "They're keeping you away from your children?" Tokyo sounded disgusted at the thought, then paused. "I lost two pups, myself." This was technically true, because she didn't know where they were. However, it was probably a different situation; Tokyo's two children had ran away due to her mistreatment of the younger puppy. But, these were details unnecessary to the moment. She wanted to befriend the other wolf; empathy from a similar situation was a good basis for such.


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