Sleep Provides No Rest
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Still waters run deep

The fragile dog girl was surprised by Firefly's question. She hadn't been paying attention otherwise she would have noticed that the bronze and gold wolfess was there. However, now that she did know where the woman was, she still had to think of her answer. What was Jac like? For one, Ruri wasn't sure why Firefly had used the word was, making it sound like Jac wasn't coming back. Ruri shook her head slightly, agreeing that her confusion was simply the result of over thinking the question. After padding over to where the woman was perched, the slate and ivory lupus reclined to her haunches before answering the she-wolf. "Jac's really nice. He's very protective of me and he's a good leader," she paused for a moment, wondering whether she should tell about the few times she had caught Jac indulging in the less than noble aspects of his personality. "He likes rum...a lot...and girls. I've only ever caught him with another girl once though. He's pretty careful not to do that sort of stuff around me. He never let's me take even the slightest sip of rum, even though he repeatedly tells me how good it is," she shrugged slightly. Her tassle picked up a slight wag as she spoke about her friend. For a moment, answering Firefly's question was helping her forget her depression and worries. Ruri giggled slightly when she remembered the time she had caught Jac. "He's very...sure of himself, and doesn't like people questioning his authority, although he hasn't minded the few times I've disagreed with him. I suppose that's understandable. He is a king after all," she finished, her gaze wandering as she stared upwards. Firefly's voice had come from above the fragile female. Ruri assumed she must be in a tree. Her head cocked to the side curiously as she added a question of her own. " do you and Jac know each other? I never asked him the details as to how he knew you, or your brother Da'Vinci," her voice was quiet and a bit unsure of herself. Was such a question okay to ask at this point in time? Ruri didn't really want the conversation to end, so she had just tried to come up with something to keep it going. Talking to Firefly was helping to ease her mind...for the moment anyway.


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