Loneliness be over
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As her own cry of ecstasy escaped her, Onus experienced his own climax, and his cry echoed in her being as those final, involuntary thrusts pushed into her body. And with that seed that was spread within her, it seemed as if their love was made physically manifest, a final close to the entire act in which both lovers had just partaken. His fingers dug into her back, more pleasurable than painful, as she fell limply in his arms, her own hands holding onto his body with more affection than she had known herself capable of giving. As the cool stone drank the heat of her body, she let her legs release his waist as they slid along the floor beside the male’s, her white orbs smiling up at him. His final thrusts made the waves of that receding climax strengthen once more as she panted there beneath him, a soft whine of pleasure escaping her. There was a great contentment within her, a sudden tranquility that transcended even that great satisfaction. There was nothing greater than being with him.

As he pulled away from her, the woman’s hips followed him involuntarily before falling back. The soft pulsing continued to persist within her loins even as he fell back, pulling her close to him. Quietly, allowing her heart beat to return to normal, the woman lay with him. Her hand slid from his him up to his neck, feeling the harder lines of his body. And finally that pulsing faded into stillness and with it her heart was quiet. She greeted his nuzzling muzzle with her own, her hand going to brush against the fur of his face. Her lips brushed against his in a brief kiss before her nose pushed through the fur of his neck, breathing in that sent with an unquenchable desire. She sighed into the darkness, feeling a safety within the arms of this killer. He was several years older than she was, but such a thing was of no concern. Very little but the love that she felt mattered at all. The woman smiled, a warm and deep smile as a soft laughter escaped her, a sound of delight.

"Onus," she said again, breathing his name like a prayer, "I want you to stay with me." And then there was silence. But she did not mean that she wished for him to join her pack or even to remain physically with her. She meant only that she desired to be with him, that she loved him and could accept him as her lover. She knew just as he did the duty that often pushed them apart, but whether they met every day or once every month, the woman would be fine. Both knew well the contentment of solitude, but now they understood the desires of love. The time that could be spared could be spent with one another. Her patience would never be broken. "I don’t want that distance to exist. Whatever happens shall happen, and we will be able to exist together." She was a simple creature, and she was not demanding. Cwmfen simply hoped that he would accept her fully.


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