about a shotgun wedding

He'd only been to Halifax two or three times before. There were often a lot of books to be found there, and paper and writing utensils. His stockpile was high on the later two, and he had enough books to keep him busy for now. Especially since he didn't spend much time reading these days, with the puppies growing and becoming more independent. He didn't like doing anything more than spending time with them and Savina. He even felt badly today for leaving them, but they were staying in today. His trip to Halifax was for them actually - his children needed some more toys.

Kansas pushed his beaten-up satchel higher on his shoulder and stepped into a two-lane street. Across the way was a store with windows through which he saw slanted shelves. Perhaps there was something the puppies would like in there. Grinning, the pale boy opened the door and walked into the cool room. A noise caught his attention before he was two steps inside - he looked around curiously, at last spotting a gray man down one of the aisles. Kansas moved slowly to stand a few feet away, surveying the shelves and the flat, square objects stored there. "Hey. Do you... know what these are?" He ran the embarrassing risk of not knowing something he should know, but as long as he had someone to ask...


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