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She growled and fluffed out her coat, as she put her tail down between her legs, letting it hang there idly. She narrowed her warm golden eyes upon him oh he was something all right, dunce, foolish, to trusting. She sighed heaving her chest into the air, with a deep sigh. Ava didn’t care for much of any one beside Roul, she would make damn sure that his life was good as long as she was around him, oh but she knew he would always be around her, he needed her. Just as bad as she needed him, to help her wild ideas take flight. “Wieder einmal, Knöchel Kopf. Ich bin nicht Kiddo.” She shook her head, this was going to be harder for her to teach him then she thought. These stupid adults, one would think that where smarter then they brought them-selves off to be. Auch hier, mein Name ist Avarice de Sadira” She was guessing that she was going to have to go through this a few more times. She wasn’t going to bend to their whims and learns to speak in English, of mother wanted her to talk to anyone in English she would have nailed it into her head like she had done with the German.

How odd sight the two must be, the child teaching the adult. Avarice was not going to give up on this knuckle head, not until he spoke to her correctly. It wasn’t that hard, this was the second time that she stated her name, the third time the pint size princess might have to take a more direct rout. Maybe something that got into his head.

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