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She smacked her palm against his chest as he teased and toyed with her, the colorful words he always used falling from the tip of his tongue so quickly as she smiled. "Treasures can hold curses and many unexpected dangers I've heard." She glanced up at those eyes that seemed to dance in amusement at her being there. She didn't know what the male's plans were now that his ship was gone but Ruri had been staying with them, would the slate girl leave the small band for her leader, or would he join them as well.. whatever the answer was she hoped she would see more of the flirty male again.

Having slipped from his side she watched as Ruri made her way between the lot of them and leaned almost hopelessly against Jacquez's side. A soft smile lingered on her lips as she answered. "I think that she does." She shook her head at his thanks as she laughed. "It's not like we have a pack that has to worry about us housing strangers. It's just our small band, she fit in right well." She gave Jac a wink, knowing that the girl was so well minded that there was almost no way she would have not been able to fit into their little family.

She was slightly amused at the show that Jacquez was giving to Svara when she showed, her eyes examining the gathering as it grew and grew. She had been about to reply to Jacquez's words when low and behold one more joined their ranks, the other body in their band. His question seemed directed to her instead of Svara and she just shrugged and admitted. "You could say that. Leroy, this is Jacquez.." She glanced to Jacquez, almost wishing that the others hadn't appeared so quickly, but there was nothing she could do about it now.

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