Just what it was about this old coffee shop

secretly falling apart

She wondered about what made Clouded Tears so foggy. They had mists in Inferni sometimes, mostly near the ocean...was there a body of water here, too? That would make sense. She didn't know a lot about the water cycle, only knowing that if there was a lot of water around, there would be a lot of rain. Evaporation and precipitation was lost on the girl.

"I was born in ze human city, in ze subway. I have never met my papa, but my mother was always enough for me--she taught me and my brother a lot. My brother dissapeared, I think...I don't remember where he went. It was too long ago. After a while Mama thought that it would be a good idea to go to Inferni, where some of my family lived. Papa's side. They allowed me to join Inferni...but would not let Mama. I do not know why, really. She said that she would come back, and that I should stay in Inferni. But I have not seen her since then."

She felt like she was talking too much--she wanted to know everything about her new friend, too. And she didn't want him to think that she was some kind of a crybaby...that she was weak in any way. After a few moments of silence she changed the subject. "A ship? I have never heard of that before...what is a ship?" Empusa knew what it was like to miss something, too--she felt empathy for him. She didn't miss the subway, though...it had been cold and dark, and full of monsters. But it had been home, for a while. "I would not have gotten to meet you if you had stayed in Italy" She commented quietly.


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