The sky is full of holes today
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Really sorry for the wait, guys, and thank you so much for joining! <33!!

The D'angelo girl didn't know what to do with herself now; the pain was so bad that she felt like she was going to pass out. Or throw up. Maybe both. It radiated out from her paw all the way up her leg, becoming more intense whenever she tried to move or pull the paw away from the trap. It looked like tugging on it wasn't going to help at all. Addison lay down on the ground, eyeing the trap with tear-filled eyes. It made her angry more than anything, that she couldn't get her paw out of it. It hurt so so much.

She was just about to admit defeat and lay her head down when she heard something, a rustling from the surrounding brush and a soft voice. An unknown wolf emerged, a dark female much bigger than the half-grown pup. She thought to growl, or act defensive, but a glance toward the trap and her crunched paw changed her mind. She couldn't get anywhere and was stuck here. She was at the mercy of this wolf, whoever she was. "Help me? Help?" She breathed, her voice strained.

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