a hundred thousand destinations

Of course, it was a creature like those that were planted in her garden. Feeding on things very different then what beings of her flesh did, breeding in ways that were so unknown and unseen that they could only be spoken (for, she did not read) from the human's text. The was something that Anu had never though to stop and consider. It had always just been, with out question from the tawny fey. She suddenly felt like all her questions, the multitudes that she possessed at each moment were directed to things of littler value. It was an eye opening idea. No eyes, no mouth... The words trailed his, just to state the thought provoking obvious. Looking to him, Anu met his dark yellow eyes, Never stopped to really look. She admitted with a small, sheepish smile.

At the word Anu moved into action, letting him stay with their charge to watching over the poor creature. It didn't take much of a walk to find drift wood among the ocean debris, and she scrambled to find the ones that looked as if they would work when used in unison. Light colored paws took hold of the dark sticks, and returned to the male with concern in her gaze. Bringing them close to the creature, Anu questioned, Will these work? She was confident that they would, but this was his call to make.


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