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Ember didn't usually make friends quickly, so this was a rare day indeed. She didn't know what it was about Heath that interested her, but she found herself easing into a sort of easy friendship with him. She gave a nod when he mentioned not reading too many books. She didn't know how many wolves around here could read to begin with, or how many found it interesting. It was something to pass the time between when she trained and when she did her other pack duties, and now that she had gotten more into it Ember was very much into the stories themselves. They'd become more than just a pass-time.

She picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder, looking toward the exit. If he didn't want anything from here, then maybe he would walk with her toward Aniwaya. She would give him a future invitation, perhaps, to come and see her there sometime. "Sure. Lots of wolves don't like books, I've learned. Um...Want to walk with me to the edge of the city?" If he didn't want to, then she would be content to talk here for a little while before she headed back to the tribe's lands.


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