a song and dance invisible
wc: 500+. Hello! Here is a picture of the horsey-- http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/phys...lis/xxxxx-1.jpg

There were still drops of dew on the grass that she passed through and the female formed a dry trail through the reeds as she walked toward the barns. She'd been out in the areas around Crimson Dreams for the last few days, watching a herd of wild horses and trying to decide if there was one amongst them that she might like for her own. The warrior had gone for a long time without a proper mount of her own, travelling by foot, but now she was beginning to consider the idea of getting a horse to do the walking for her. She did make a lot of trips to the city to gather books.

Ember would have picked a horse from the barn, but she wasn't sure which of them belonged to tribemembers and which of them didn't. It was probably better to catch one of her own anyway and train it the way that she liked it. She'd read a book about taming horses, though, and knew it wouldn't be easy.

The dark female had been feeding some of the horses in the group over the week or so that she had tracked them, and had managed to win a few of them over. Her favorite of the group was a young stallion, just old enough to be getting along by himself. His coat was a brown color around his shoulders and front, but near his rear it turned to brown spots against a white background. She didn't know if horses kicked the males out of the herd when they reached a certain age like some other kinds of animals did, but either way he was definitely her pick. He did interact with the others but seemed to shy away from most of the group most of the time.

Today the yearling wolf looked the same as she did most days, her long black/brown hair tied back with a thin piece of leather that was decorated with several beads and feathers. She also wore her cloak, her sword Lightning attached by its hilt to a belt that lay around her waist. She led the horse back toward the barn with a thin rope around his neck, the creature following with his ears perked forward in interest. It hadn't been too difficult for Ember to get the rope on him, and after an initial bit of fear and a bit of reassurance from her he had been walking. She'd already established a trust base with him by feeding him oats before, so it was easier this time.

She rounded the corner to the stable without noticing that anyone else was there, taking the horse to the nearest empty stall and closing the short door behind both of them. "Okay. Rope off...now let's see how ya do with a blanket on yer back. Oh! And I guess ya need food. Everyone needs food, right? And it'll help with that bit of attitude ya got left...acting all pissy..."


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