all our heroes lack any conviction
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ooc -
being near the borders works fine for me, hopefully i'll be able to pick up the pace with my replies as school is tapering off some now ><. 422 words.

ic -
Tokyo was always spooked by the dwarf in Rumpelstiltskin. Why did he demand the queen's firstborn child? What use could he have of it? It creeped her out, and then it made her think of her own daughter, her own Princess, which was not exactly a set of pleasant memories. As a result, she was jumpier than normal, and paying very close attention to the noises of the forest around her. At first, she thought she was just imagining the footsteps creeping around in the brush near the border, but even after she decided they probably didn't exist they kept coming, one after another. So she was actually staring pretty intently into the brush when one of the shadows spoke.

Defensively, reflexively Tokyo shot back: "Yes, of course." Because if she wasn't enjoying herself, why would she be reading? What was the point of activities that did not provide immediate satisfaction? She could never understand why some people seemed to do such things frequently, and had long ago come to some sort of conclusion that they must just enjoy things that she didn't. For example, for all Tokyo's hatred of hunting, Champ sure seemed to love doing so for her. So, other people were just weird. The solution to unpleasant tasks was to convince someone who liked them to do it for her.

The silence felt oppressive, and the creepiness of the story she had been reading made her find the stranger sort of sinister. Which was silly. What did she realistically have to fear? She was a member of a large pack, on the safety of pack lands. And even if she hadn't been, who on earth would dare to offend Tokyo? Well, yes, there were some brain-addled fools that didn't understand what they were doing, but no one in their right mind enough to be dangerous would direct their malevolence against her. The quiet dragged on, and she felt the need to fill it with words, even if she didn't have quite enough vocal control to keep them from revealing just how irrationally nervous she was.

"It's my favorite book, it's on fairy tales, my mother gave it to me because I was her favorite." Near the end of her ramble, her voice did firm up some - boasting was familiar enough to be comforting, slightly. She gave a smug smile, remembering again just how amazing she was. Technically, Ophelia hadn't given it to her, but who would know? And Tokyo was definitely the best puppy, so her statement was true enough.


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