On the cool breeze behind the sun
OOC: hiya. Thought Pendzez could sing a little song. Wink

Pendzez trotted along the sandy beach with the sun high in the sky. He was taking each step slowly, feeling the sandy between his toes. With his instrument in hand and with four butterflies on his shoulders, he looked out at the ocean. Oh, how he wondered what was out there, under those raging waves and what new islands there were. Has to make him think that there might be something worth looking on a new island or under the water. However, there were some places where he can't go to. Besides, these "unknown places" are too far away for a normal luperci to reach in a boat. He might not make it back, or going over there.

Pushing the thought out of his mind, he continued to walk along the sunlit sandy beach with his guitar on his back. He noticed a female, that seems to be new in the area, resting under a tree. What luck. A newcomer. Pendzez always liked helping newcomers around the area of Phoenix Valley. He began to ponder over to the female, stopping some seven feet away from here, as a precaution if she's a snapper. "Hi there."

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