hollow-hearted, heart-departed


It was a difficult task to put a name to a face at this point, or really a recognizable memory to a face, for Catalyst had not recalled meeting nor seeing this beige colored female before (and it was indeed that while Alexey might have stopped by the church or wherever, Catalyst was probably engaged in play with her siblings, as that was her most likely activity around them at this point). Stating that she personally knew her brothers and sisters, the little ivory girl sort of felt like she fell out of the loop with something. Tun sie meine brüder und schwestern kennen sie auch? She asked herself in her mind, wondering if perhaps she might have missed the lady when she came over to visit one day. To further say it was her job to know her brothers and sisters, Catalyst pondered just who this was. Obtaining the name (a pretty one at that, seemingly suiting her through and through), even the providence of a name didn't stir any memory about a particular creamy female as this one. It was only nice to return the favorable introduction with her own name, even though Alexey already knew who she was. "'m Catalyst." She said, dumbfoundedness laced in her voice.

As Alexey decided to gently take a place next to Catalyst, the young girl didn't inch away, but felt rather confused as to how to react with the adult sitting next to her. In doing so, the only reaction given was a nervous slide of her paw trying to make designs in the soft soil near the shore bank. As her shy nature moved in slightly, it would go as soon as it came, for the mention of her third born brother and Alexey having witness to have been in his presence made her ears perk up, her dual eyes widen, and the whole soft contours of her visage instantly light up. "Wirklich!?" She exclaimed in her native voice, forgetting to transition to English in that moment due to her excitedness. "Have been lookin' all o'er for Palindrome! Where you see him at?" Her inquiry said with fervent interest. Even though she said a few weeks ago, which was considerably a long time ago from now, Catalyst seemed to have missed that part entirely and made it go through one ear and out the other; she was just excited to know that at least somebody like Alexey seen him around.


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