New (Catherine)
The rain began pounding against her little body as she walked along the damp ground of her new home. Thoughts of her mother and the incident that changed her life flooded through her mind. Her mother was gone and she had to keep going on without her. Tears flooded through her eyes as these thoughts tormented her. A shot of pain twined itself through her as she reminded herself that her mother wasn't coming back. She couldn't have survived that huge ravenous monster, there was no chance of her return.

These new wolves had given her a new home and a new life. She was very grateful for this, for their compassion and understanding. She was lucky for this. She might not have been so lucky encountering other wolves who weren't as friendly as these. She suddered at the thought of this.

The wind began to pick up at a faster pace... It ruffled her baby fur. She let out a little whine as her stomache growled in response. She hadn't eaten in a long while and it started to take effect on her.

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