a song and dance invisible

.......Hemming had not spent much time with his family. For the first year of his life, he lived on and off with his parents in a fairly large pack in central Canada. The way they lived there was basic and the boy had found it much too mundane for his tastes. He had left many times, each time longer than the last, until eventually the little bit of time that tethered him to the pack broke off completely and he drifted away. In the next few years he wandered further east, settling down once and a while. Only once in his travels had he had a companion, and even that was short lived. It was nice to be back in the company of others, and Hemming was finding that already he had learned a lot. These lands were not short on wonders, and he was certainly more happy than he had been in a long time.

.......He chuckled at the female's statements, bowing his head a little bit. She moved carefully and gently, and the grey wolf continued to be enthralled with the way she was interacting with the horse. "Pleased to meet you," Hemming replied, meeting her eyes briefly and smiling gently. "Yes, I did meet Dawali. He is quite wonderful." The smile deepened. The male had found his company, however brief, was quite pleasant and hoped that he would run into him again soon.

......."You know, there is quite a fantastic horse in old human literature. This horse could carry many riders at one time, and understand what they were saying to him." Hemming raised his eyes to the ceiling of the stable as he let his memories of the stories come to his mouth. A golden light drifted through cracks between the boards and the wolf realized how lovely it was as it was caught up in the thin screen of dust floating in the air. "The king doesn't like that, though, and he takes the horse and ties a great rock around its neck before throwing him in the river. What happens next, though, I think is quite wonderful. The horse breaks the stone and swims away. They say he lives in the woods to this day." The male smiled and brought his eyes back down. "His name's Bayard. It isn't really a tribal name, at all, though. Bayardawi, perhaps?" he joked, smiling and looking back to the horse.


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