What to Think of the Unexpected
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She was certainly polite enough, more so than most of the souls that lingered around and visited their borders, anyway. Jefferson did not miss the slight tinge in her eyes when they fell upon him for the first time; it was a look he recognized, though it seemed she was well trained in hiding her emotions and thoughts behind a kindly face. No matter who it was that gazed upon him for the first time, their expressions were always the same: shock and wonder, mixed to one. Jefferson supposed his history was put on display over his face, marking him as some sort of warrior to those who might not have known him better. They were the scars of the devil, a criminal in disguise of a cranky, beaten up old soul. If the world chose to unknowingly admire him as some sort of hero whose eyes had seen a thousand wins and losses, then he would make no argument in teaching them the truth.

Appropriate to visit a pack? A strange thing to say. "I'm assuming you're more familiar with the area than I, then," Jefferson said quietly, shrugging his shoulders. Something had him in a strange mood that day, for one reason or another, and he nodded quietly at the girl's next comment. "Yeah, they're both here somewhere. Sorry excuses for leaders, if you ask me." His eye wandered, a small smirk at the ends of his lips. "Well, DaVinci's not here, and I'm too lazy to call him. I guess you're stuck with me."

She introduced herself and bowed rather elegantly, a motion that Jefferson was unfamiliar with. He was taken aback by her modest greeting, but the cyclops smiled coolly and nodded his head in his own simple fashion of welcoming. He never was very graceful, after all. "I don't know what an 'Adonis' is, but I assume you're familiar with Cercelee and Haku, then. I'm... Maluki. I live here." A smirk of well-played nonchalance. "You could leave a message for DaVinci... and I'll tell him when I get around to it," he shrugged. Somehow, it was nice acting like he was of no importance at all -- like he didn't need to be responsible for a little while.


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