hello darkness my old friend

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He just liked the rain? "Hrm." That was strange. Liking the rain was one thing. Onus kind of liked the rain, but he didn't necessarily like getting soaked out in it. Especially when it was cold. If it hadn't been raining he would have been able to detect the lingering scent of alcohol on the man and that would have done more to explain things. But he couldn't, so he was just left thinking that this dark wolf with the mismatched eyes was an odd one.

Though at the man's continued loss of knowledge of what he had been doing, the coyote made an educated guess that he had recently been intoxicated. He couldn't understand drinking alcohol. It never lead to anything good. It only dulled the senses and the reflexes. It made people do stupid things that they would not normally do, including crimes. Anything that made it easier for people to commit wrongs was not okay in the man's book. "Lot of wounds you have to suture?" If this man was a medic it wasn't suspicious, but it sounded almost like he needed a lot. If that were the case it was a bit suspicious. It also reminded him of the throbbing pain in his neck and shoulder.


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