a song and dance invisible

.......The wolf had enjoyed sharing that story. He had a fondness for classic literature and poetry, and with a little provocation these stories would resurface from the depths of his memory. Being alone for so long had given him a lot of time to bury his nose in dusty old books he had scavenged from buildings, and everything he had learnt was filed away in his mind somewhere. The creativity and knowledge of the humans impressed him greatly, and he would spend hours on end flipping pages in books on natural history as well. That was one of his favourite topics.

.......It was quite a sad decision he had made, to choose just a few books off his makeshift shelf to bring with him. He picked the paperbacks, the lightest ones, so he could carry more in his fraying backpack. As he left the small home he had made in the forest, more like a treehouse than anything, he placed a hand on a row of books as if to say goodbye. It was likely they were still there, and perhaps someone would stumble upon his stash and find it as intriguing as he did. It was months away and, at the moment, not worth going back to. He'd have to make so many trips to bring all his books back, anyway. And then there was his equipment - his telescope and microscope were his favourite - that he had been so sad to abandon. Those were too heavy to put in his bag, besides a small Galilean telescope. Even sadder for him had been watching his bag of books plunge into the ocean; fish couldn't read, and likely the books would be too damaged for anyone to ever read again. Dawali had awoken the hope of finding new things in the city of Halifax, and for now Hemming just held onto the excitement that prospect brought.

.......He grinned at the attention the horse was giving him and open his hands to show that he didn't have anything. The female passed him a bag of oats, and with a 'thank you' he reached in and grabbed a handful. The horse seemed interested in his treat right away, and Hemming shrugged against the wall just long enough to put his hands together to support all the grain. "Here y'are," he crooned, holding back a giggle as the horse's snout tickled his hands. What a strange interaction, he thought, such a big creature so gingerly eating oats off of such a weak thing's hands.

.......Hemming looked to the girl in surprise as she announced she would use the name he had suggested. "Yeah? Splendid," the wolf said with a chuckle, glancing back to the horse to make sure he wasn't munching on some tasty fingers. "Oh, really? I'd like to watch... to see how you do it. You seem to have a gift. Would you mind if I tagged along, sometime?" He lifted his eyes back up to her, eyebrows raised slightly. That would be marvellous.


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